My Four-legged Partners
Teamwork makes the dream work
Shane is a black and white paint horse that was trained in western riding before coming to Quantum. He is my most recent partner since Dee's retirement, and is easygoing and loves to please. Shane loves to crib on everything and is narcoleptic, so we have to keep him thinking so he doesn't fall asleep! That doesn't stop him from doing his job well though. We are working on mastering dressage basics and learning more complicated moves together
Ganelon is a flea bitten gray Selle Francais and was an international showjumper before settling in to his post performance horse job as a therapy horse. He loves it when riders give him instructions, and responds well when they are in control. He also knows quite a bit of dressage which supplemented his jumping training, and was the horse I learned to leg yield on. Ganelon also enjoys going out for trail rides and is elated to be in the open with so much yummy grass to eat.
Pep is one of the newest additions to the herd and he is a dark bay quarter horse. He was a western riding horse before his therapy days and he is very well trained and responsive. One of my favorite things about Pep is that he loves to move, and while I have trouble getting other horses to walk, it can be hard to get him to stop! Pep has been helping me work on my hand and body position in the saddle and most recently we were introduced to the 1 loop serpentine. Pep is now retired due to sustained problems in one of his front legs.
Dee is a bay quarter horse that was trained in western riding. Before coming to my barn to be a therapy horse, he was supposed to be a cow horse, but his owners discovered that he didn't like cows. Dee is very good at neck reining due to his training and works hard to please his rider. He doesn't let the blindness in his left eye stop him from doing his job. Dee's favorite parts of our lessons is getting treats afterwards! Dee helped me achieve my most recent goal of riding in a dressage saddle. He is retired now due to his uveitis spreading to both eyes.
Idaho s a Welsh-Percheron cross pony, and she is the perfect size for children to ride. She serves as the model for kids painting at events and can often be found dressed up for various holidays. I first rode her when I began learning how to trot as she has a small one that is easy to sit. Idaho is also who I practice liberty work with if I get the chance. She is very gentle and patient, but can be difficult sometimes, as mares typically are.
Sonic is an Appaloosa-Quarter Horse cross and the oldest horse at my barn and is now enjoying his days in the pasture as part of a happy retirement. He was the first horse I met and built a relationship with, and it is safe to say he is my heart horse. It is thanks to him that I am in the position I am now. Sonic was the horse that helped me achieve the goal of riding independently. Although I don't see him as much now, I make an effort to as often as possible.